Best Practices for Requesting Site Content Updates

Published: 2024-01-29 | Updated: 2024-06-26

I maintain several websites for clients. I always make it clear to prospective clients they are the last word in content. The client is the subject-matter expert. Always.

Over time I’ve learned updates to site contents can turn into a very frustrating process if the work order pertaining to any update isn’t crystal clear. Nobody enjoys spending half a day updating a few words on a page or replacing an old photo / graphic with a new one.

This is my shortlist of best practices I share with content owners / subject-matter experts who need to periodically update content on their website. I share this as a document with each client as soon as possible in the development and deployment process.

Best Practices for Requesting Website Page Updates

Additional Recommendations

By following these guidelines, we can streamline the process of requesting website updates and ensure that changes are implemented accurately and efficiently.